Why is this blog here

When I was  little, my grandfather and I spent quite some time contemplating the questions that haunt young children and old people –  what would happen to all the new dead people when the sky reached capacity, and whether that cast the idea of heaven into doubt, and whether porridge was nice or nasty. We couldn’t really afford to spend too much time on all that stuff , because there were rocks to climb, willow twigs to make into whistles and potatoes to get from market for granny. So after some contemplation my grandfather would take refuge in the incontradictable ‘Näin on marjat’ – this is how the berries are.  And on we would go, hunting trolls, dreaming about having a boat, and wondering whether a sausage sandwich was on the cards.

I still don’t know how the berries are and my grandfather has gone, so I write about new questions here.  These pages include my M.St. in Sustainability Leadership course blog.  My professional blog on challenges facing social enterprise is at http://www.FleetRiverVentures.com.

My name is Essi Lindstedt-White.

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